Where is my money held?

Ultimately, your money is held unencumbered, in cash, at the Bank of England. It is never loaned out, pledged or otherwise interfered with - it simply sits there. Legally, are we are your bare trustee, our name isn't on your money anywhere. We operate client accounts with the Bank of London, which are opened in your name and contain your funds. Those funds are held by the Bank of London at the Bank of England.

Cash Deposit Manager

Our Interest Rates

Our accounts come in three different types, which we work with you to blend in order to deliver the best return for your chosen liquidity.
In Action

Interactive Returns Calculator

Choose your deposit amount (from £1m+)
Enter the forecast Bank of England Base Rate
See your projected returns live in the calculator
There is no need to provide any email address or personal information. This illustration is for comparison purposes only - our rates flex with the Bank of England base rate, so your actual return may be less.

This is a zero-risk deposit at the Bank of England, and not an investment, so your money is not at risk.